It is with great pleasure that we announce the
Call for Presentations for the 2025 Cascadia R Conference
to be held in Portland, Oregon on June 21, 2025.
About the conference
The goals of the conference are to showcase the interesting ways R is being used in the Cascadia region, provide learning opportunities, and connect R programmers with one another. The presentations, therefore, are a platform for promoting these ideals. Our audience is of varying skill levels and from a wide range of organizations: non-profit, academic, government, and industry.
Selection Criteria
Applications are being solicited for both full 15-minute presentations and 5-minute lightning talks. Full talks will be grouped into sessions with similar themes and share a question and answer period.
Presenters are expected to comply with the code of conduct the conference.
Student talks will receive special consideration. Please also note that Cascadia R Conference is a regional conference that focuses on R users from the Cascadia region (primarily Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and California). Submissions are welcome from those outside of the region, but priority will be given to submissions from Cascadia locations.
How to apply
To apply, fill out and submit the Cascadia R Conference Application. Applicants must include an abstract limited to 500 words describing your presentation and how it aligns with the goals of the conference, as well as email contact information.
The Call for Presentations will close February 14, 2025 at 5 PM PT. Presenters will be notified by the end of March 2025. Upon notification, presenters are expected to confirm acceptance, provide a high-quality headshot, and a short biography that will be included on the Cascadia R Conference website. Prior to the conference, copies of the final presentation are required to be made available to the planning committee as a back-up.
Please contact us with any questions or concerns!